Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Mirage

Inside it, everything is glass, it glitters with promise. Everywhere you turn it is dripping with attraction, waiting for you. Even the broken edges and dark spots are calling you.

Inside it, the people look around at each other in confusion. Some take the role of leaders and begin to walk and mark their path, confident in their abilities. Others follow closely because they are trusting. Some stay behind and wait cautiously to see what will happen. All must keep moving or otherwise become lost… just another shadow, another crack in the glass, a part of the walls.

Inside it, when you look closely, the walls are made of burning souls and crying children. They are filled with blackened hearts and vicious fires. The spirited wind does not calm them, it only spurs them on.

Inside it, I open my eyes and I wish to see all. There must be something more… I begin to comb what is in my vision but all I see is emptiness, confusion, and unhappiness. But at a closer range, another layer begins to become clear to me.

Inside it, the floor is filled with patterns. They riddle every inch of its surface and it is obvious that there are many layers beneath. There is no screaming in this layer, only harmony and serenity. I want so much to fit into that world… but it is hard and immovable. I bang my fists upon it insistently, but it will not yield. How can I find something like this?

Inside it, I can see contrast. I must live above the floor and yet there must be a way to include it… But nobody takes notice… for it is just the floor and nothing else. It seems that I must make an effort in the world of glitter and glass even though it’s so obviously not right.

Inside it, I wonder. Why am I here? What is my purpose? Where am I supposed to go… where do I need to end up? And what happens at the end of that road? The answers are too vague- there must be something I am missing.

Inside it, I look deeper. One more direction I now can see. I am looking up. The sky is clear- it is infinite, and flawless. It is perfect. It does not need riddles to and patterns to show that it is perfect. Suddenly the truth becomes clear to me. The only place to go is up… but how? There is no way up, in fact- I am a slave to gravity. I stand impassively on the floor trying to find a way to accomplish what I know must be right. The answer is just out of reach, I feel alone.

Inside it, I sit down on that patterned floor and cry. I know that in order to pull myself into the sky I need to use the glass to make steps. But I am afraid to touch it… to see the pain on the faces behind the mirrors. I am afraid to become one of them.

I know that it is a mirage. I know that this is a matrix designed with extreme care. All I can do now is sit in the middle of the box He created and turn my face upward. I know that He is looking down into His box. He sees me looking back at Him and He knows my confusion. I ask Him for help… and I wait.

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